Bill boards in city

Contextual video advertising.

• Increase CPM revenues
• 3rd party data ads are under pressure
• Contextual ads to the rescue
• AI context generation
• Free with Jet-Stream Cloud
• Privacy protection.

Traditional video advertising is under pressure.

Today, video advertising (AVOD) is based on 3rd party data for targeting. Browsers are increasingly blocking 3rd party data sharing due to privacy concerns and legislation.

Publishers claim that for already 60% of their audience, they cannot target ads anymore, due to 3rd party data blocking. As a result, advertisers cannot target precisely anymore, and CPM revenues are dropping dramatically.

Leading ad companies including the Washington Post, Google and STER are switching to contextual advertising. Many other AVOD publishers will follow soon.

Increase video ad CPM, reduce video advertisement costs.

Contextual Advertising to the rescue.

Contextual advertising allows publishers to share detailed contextual metadata, so advertisers can still precisely target, without the need for 3rd party data.

CPM revenues are kept intact, and are even on the rise, thanks to contextual video advertising.

– Nadine Krefetz, Streaming Media Magazine

Jet-Stream is a streaming service that has succeeded in making the protection of viewers’ privacy a revenue model… This “contextual advertisement” ends up generating even more ad revenue than the usual personalized ads based on individual profiles of viewers.

Jury of the Dutch Privacy Awards

Privacy Player Pro & contextual video advertising.

Free! No CPM penalties.

Privacy Player Pro is the first commercially available HTML5 video player to support contextual video advertisement. The innovative feature is built-in, for free, so it does not eat into your CPM margins. Don’t pay to play.

IAB & VAST compliant.

Jet-Stream Contextual Advertising is IAB & VAST compliant. There are no migration headaches. You can use both 3rd party and contextual advertising.

Metadata management.

Add describing metadata to your videos via the built-in VMS, or import metadata via the API, and select additional IAB advertising categories. Or use our innovative AI context generator for automatic IAB category suggestions, keywords, and summaries.

Rich data for your advertisers.

Privacy Player Pro will share this data, and much more data with your advertisers, so they can target ads in real-time, specifically per viewer, without invading their privacy.

IAB video advertising, contextual video advertising, CPM

↓Meta data




IAB categories


↓Tech data

Stream name



Bit rates


↓User data

Visited website

Browser details

Device details

City, Region, Country

Time zone

Share your creativity,
not your data.

Data protection.

No personal data.

The rich set of describing metadata, technical metadata and user metadata is shared with the advertisers. Personal data such as cookies, trackers, ip-addresses or fingerprinting are blocked.

VAST proxy.

VAST communication is proxied between the advertiser and the audience, by Jet-Stream Cloud. So no personal data such as their IP-address is shared.

No trackers.


Jet-Stream Cloud is hosted in the EU zone, is EU owned and has no legal and technical ties to third parties.

Data protection.

Read more about how your data, your audience and your business is protected.

Video platform alternatives
streaming platform alternatives