IBC is known for its technical nature of entertainment, but why not have some entertainment ourselves too? 🙂 

Introducing IBC 2023 Bingo! 

We believe that combining business with entertainment can make the event even more enjoyable. So, get ready to participate in this exciting contest and make your IBC experience unforgettable!

#IBCbingo Contest Details

The concept is simple yet hilarious. All you need to do is share the funniest selfie of yourself with bingo words you find at IBC. Post your image on LinkedIn or Twitter and add the hashtag #IBCbingo. To make things even more exciting, you stand a chance to win an Apple TV 4K! Download your bingo card and get started on your quest for laughter and prizes.

IBC bingo contest

Bonus Points

Here’s an added bonus for you! If you manage to take a selfie with a Jet-Stream crew member at the CDN Alliance Connect party (Sat evening at 17:30), you’ll earn 5 extra words towards your bingo card. So, make sure to RSVP and grab this opportunity while it lasts!

IBC 2023 Bingo Rules

To participate, publish your bingo selfie on LinkedIn or Twitter using the hashtag #IBCbingo. The Jet-Stream crew members are excluded from the competition, giving you even more chances to win. 

Be as creative as possible because the person with the funniest selfies and the most words will be crowned the winner. We will share the greatest posts. Please do so too on your social media channels!

Submission Deadline and Announcement

You can share your photos until the end of IBC. The winner of the contest will be announced on the 25th of September. To stay updated and not miss out on the exciting announcement, make sure to follow us on social media 😉

Let’s make the IBC 2023 more entertaining!

See you soon, and enjoy! 🙂