Transcoding is crucial for delivering high-quality streaming content across various devices and networks. Traditional cloud-based transcoding solutions, while effective, come with their own set of challenges such as high costs, performance issues, and scaling complexities. On-premise transcoding can address these issues but often requires significant development and maintenance efforts. Maelstrom OTT aims to bridge this gap, providing a cost-effective, high-performance solution that is easy to use, scale and manage.

Comprehensive Solution: Transcoder, Origin, Packager, and Edge

What sets MaelStrom OTT apart? It’s not just about converting video formats. It’s a comprehensive solution that eliminates the need for multiple servers and simplifies your entire OTT infrastructure. Imagine having your transcoder, origin server, packager, and edge delivery all integrated into one powerful solution.

With MaelStrom OTT’s edge server capable of handling up to 10,000 concurrent viewers, large-scale deployments are not only feasible but also efficient.

Cloud Transformation: Turning Multiple Machines into a Cloud

How does it work? MaelStrom OTT turns the infrastructure with multiple machines and many hardware cards into a unified cloud. This enables automatic load balancing across servers and cards, ensuring that live streams are distributed efficiently and evenly across the system. Moreover, it also guarantees redundancy, scalability, and instant recovery from any failures. Your infrastructure becomes more resilient, with failover mechanisms that instantly shift workloads to other machines or cards in case of an issue, ensuring smooth, uninterrupted streaming.

MaelStrom OTT turns multiple machines with multiple cards in a cloud.

The Sweet Spot: Affordable, Easy-to-Use, and Powerful

When choosing a transcoding solution, you want something that’s affordable, user-friendly, and delivers exceptional performance. Maelstrom OTT ticks all those boxes. 

Unlike complex solutions requiring extensive configuration, MaelStrom OTT is a turnkey solution. You’re up and running in no time, thanks to the intuitive interface and powerful hardware acceleration from NETINT. This hardware not only boosts performance but also drastically reduces energy consumption, a win-win for your budget and the environment.

Get Started in a Moment

Thanks to the user-friendly design, setting up a new channel with MaelStrom OTT is incredibly simple. Just input an ID, channel name, and source. It’s that easy. 

The software is versatile, supporting a wide array of input and output formats, including popular codecs like H.264, H.265, and AV1. Plus, you can create custom transcoding profiles and manage multiple channels with ease, thanks to its intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

High Performance with Low Overhead

Leveraging NETINT’s acceleration cards, MaelStrom OTT delivers impressive performance while keeping CPU load remarkably low. Even with just two cards, you can handle numerous channels concurrently. Scale up to ten cards, and you’re looking at over 300 channels on a single machine! This efficiency translates into lower hardware and energy costs, making this solution a budget-friendly choice.

Reliability and Scalability You Can Count On

Built on a Kubernetes stack, MaelStrom OTT ensures high resilience and scalability. Each transcoding process runs in an isolated container, ensuring that a single process crash doesn’t affect the entire system. It also means scaling up is seamless – both within a machine and across multiple machines. This load balancing happens automatically, guaranteeing a smooth and reliable streaming experience for your viewers.

Go Green, Save Green

Thanks to NETINT’s hardware acceleration, MaelStrom OTT uses up to 90% less energy than traditional CPU-based transcoding solutions. This translates to massive cost savings and a significantly smaller carbon footprint. With a fully loaded machine consuming a mere 500 watts, you can feel good about your choice both financially and environmentally.

Integration and Customization

For those seeking global reach, Maelstrom integrates smoothly with Jet-Stream Cloud, offering multi-CDN support for comprehensive global coverage. Additional features like AI-driven subtitling and multi-language streaming further enhance its capabilities, making it a robust solution for modern OTT providers.

The architecture of MaelStrom OTT

Use Cases

1. Bringing OTT to Isolated Networks

One of the most compelling use cases for MaelStrom OTT is its application in isolated local networks, such as dormitories, prisons, universities, or remote villages. For instance, in Africa, local communities with limited backhaul connections (e.g., 4G/5G) can benefit immensely. By downlinking satellite channels and transcoding them locally, MaelStrom enables these communities to access hundreds of OTT live streaming channels without needing extensive infrastructure.

2. Empowering Broadcasters and Telcos

Smaller broadcasters and telecommunications companies often face budget constraints and operational challenges. In this case, MaelStrom OTT is an economical solution that reduces both initial hardware investments and ongoing operational costs. By minimizing energy consumption and simplifying management, MaelStrom OTT helps you to expand your channel offerings without incurring prohibitive expenses.

3. Cost-Effective In-House Transcoding

For entities that have been relying on cloud-based transcoding but are burdened by escalating costs, MaelStrom provides a viable alternative. By setting up your own transcoding service in-house, you gain greater control over operations and significantly reduce your expenses. This is particularly beneficial if transcoding is a necessary part of your service offering.

4. Building a Dedicated Transcoding Cloud

If you are aiming to build your own transcoding cloud, you can benefit from MaelStrom’s scalability and economic pricing. With the ability to handle hundreds of channels simultaneously and automatic load balancing, MaelStrom OTT offers a robust solution for creating a dedicated, efficient transcoding service. Additionally, we offer hosted solutions for those who prefer not to manage the hardware themselves.

So, what do you say? Are you willing to give it a try?