Over a dozen broadcasters increase revenues via innovative video ads

Traditional ad banners are becoming less effective for broadcasters, posing a challenge to generate sufficient revenue in the evolving landscape of online advertising. Viewers are increasingly ignoring or blocking standard banners, necessitating a fresh approach to engage audiences and boost ad revenue.
Jet-Stream & Opt Out Advertising

To increase ad revenues for broadcasters and publishers, Opt Out Advertising collaborated with Jet-Stream to revolutionise the advertising model with an alternative to banner ads, now effective already for over a dozen broadcasters who see increased ad revenues. According to research, viewers are 27.4 times more likely to click through online video ads than standard banners. Recognizing the limitations of a traditional advertising strategy, the focus shifted to cookie-less advertising solutions like OutStream video ads, offering a unique solution to capture viewer attention without relying on cookie consent.
OutStream video ads
The new OutStream advertising service shows advertisement videos in the broadcasters’ web pages and apps, without the need for video content. Video ads are shown without the need for cookie-consent because privacy is guaranteed and no cookies are being used, resulting in high reach.
“With the increasing growth of consentless inventory, we are excited to offer a range of products that respect users’ privacy to both publishers and advertisers. Expanding advertising opportunities with outstream video allows publishers to serve a diverse range of advertisers. As instream video is rare, the outstream video product makes it possible to add a new revenue stream while respecting users’ privacy and the first results look very promising”, says Tom van Bentheim from Opt Out Advertising.
Privacy friendly cloud
One of the key components facilitating this advancement is the switch to the European GDPR-compliant Jet-Stream Cloud, which also provides an improved video player for displaying ads. Jet-Stream Cloud is an EU-owned, operated, and hosted sovereign cloud that actively protects its customers and the viewers’ data.
Enhanced advertising video player
Jet-Stream Privacy Player Pro was enhanced to support the new OutStream video advertising model. Opt Out Advertising uses the players’ built-in API to fully control and monitor whether the ad is being loaded, watched, to pause the video when is scrolled beyond, whether the window is active or not, and to verify whether the ad is watched.
“We love the cooperation with Opt Out Advertising, since both our companies are committed to data protection. And together we help our customers improve their monetisation, while protecting their data. We are excited that broadcasters value our partnership and our mutual innovations. To see that they are improving their ad revenues, while start taking true GDPR compliance seriously is great. The cases with the broadcasters prove that privacy drives business, which is a breakthrough in this industry”, says Stef van der Ziel from Jet-Stream.
The collaboration between Opt Out Advertising and Jet-Stream is rooted in a shared commitment to data protection. By prioritizing cleanliness and privacy-friendliness in the monetization of consentless inventory, both companies have empowered broadcasters to enhance their monetization strategies while safeguarding user data.